Parents, if you wish to change your child's instructional setting starting in January, please use the following link - If you do not wish to change, you do not complete this. The deadline is November 13 at 3:00 PM.
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Our Fall Book Fair is here! You can start ordering books online now. See below for the website and the eFair code. Please email me ( with any questions. Books will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child. In person Book Fair dates will be November 5th through the 13th. We are doing a “no touch” book fair this year. Students will be allowed to look at the books, and we will place the order for the book. Once the books are shipped to the school, they will be delivered to your child. Thank you for supporting the Mid-Carolina Middle School Library! This is a fundraiser that helps us purchase materials for the library for student use.
over 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
Book fair code
Basketball Sign Up Reminder. Students interested in trying out must be signed up by this Friday 10/30.
over 4 years ago, Jared Jones
Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 2nd: Due to current Covid procedures, parent-teacher conferences will be held by telephone or through Google/Zoom conferences on Monday, November 2nd from 12:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Report cards will not be given out during these conferences due to students nor guests being on campus. Students will receive their report cards on Thursday, November 5th (Day 1) and Friday, November 6th (Day 2). Students will be recognized and celebrated for their achievements during the first nine weeks. They will bring those certificates home to share with you. All students’ grades can be accessed using Power School. It is very important to schedule a conference if you have any concerns about your child’s academic progress this year. Again options for meetings include a phone conference or a Google/Zoom meeting. Please check your email for the link to sign up for a conference time or contact your child's teachers. Links are available until Thursday, October 29th. If you have any problems signing up, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
over 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Fall 2020 Parent-Teacher Conference
over 4 years ago, Jared Jones
It has been a great Hispanic Heritage Month at MCMS! Thank you to all, especially Ms. Rountree, for a great month of information and celebrating! Enjoy this presentation! #WEARECONNECTED
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Academic Team-To try-out on October 19th, your parent or guardian must complete the Academic Team Google form located on Ms. Richardson’s webpage or on the MCMS school webpage by October 16th. The link is
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Academic  Team
Help support our Angel Tree Project by purchasing Rebel attire! You can visit Fancloth for your selections! #Rebelproud!
over 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS October Newsletter! Please call the school if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS October Newsletter Header
School Breakfast and Lunch Menus
over 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Interested in joining the MC Athletic Booster Club? Click the following link for more information!
over 4 years ago, Jared Jones
Attendance Procedures for Hybrid and Virtual Students: Dear Parent/Guardian: As this school year has begun with unprecedented protocols, we would like to ensure all attendance procedures and expectations are clear to both our students and parents. Please read the below Temporary Administrative Rule which contains information for hybrid and virtual students. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact the Power School/Attendance Clerk. Please click on this link for details:
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Congratulations to all students who qualified to join the 2020 MCMS Jr. Beta Club. We are Rebel Proud! A special thank you to our Publicity Director, Eliza Dixon, for putting our presentation together. To view the program, please follow this link:
over 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Jr. Beta Club  Logo
MCMS seeks School Improvement Nominations! Please take a minute to complete the form using the appropriate link: (English) (Spanish)
over 4 years ago, MCMS
MCMS School  Improvement Council
Just a SAMPLE of the meals that can be picked up on Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. till 8:30 a.m. or 11 a. m. till Noon. There is No Charge to any student in Newberry County Schools. Meals can be taken home on Mon/Tuesdays or picked up on Wednesdays from the 6-7th grade car rider line. You need to go online and sign up here or call the cafeteria at 364-3634 ext 18800
over 4 years ago, Stacey Templin
Meals for pick up
Picture Day is Thursday, September 3 for Group 1 and Friday, September 4 for Group 2! Students were sent home with forms or you can visit the Strawbridge website to order online, Virtual students are required to have an appointment.
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Picture Day Flyer
SDNC Masks Update: Effective beginning September 1- No more masks with exhalation valves or vents. The purpose of masks is to keep respiratory droplets from reaching others to aid with source control. Masks with one-way valves or vents allow exhaled air to be expelled out through holes in the material. This can allow exhaled respiratory droplets to reach others and potentially spread the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, CDC does not recommend using masks if they have an exhalation valve or vent. If needed, the school will have a disposable mask to give to students until a new mask can be purchased. All students were given a cloth mask which can still be used.
over 4 years ago, MCMS
Mask images
Parents/guardians will need to complete the form before their child can be assigned a hotspot to take home. They may also use this form to apply to receive a hotspot if they have not completed the application before now.
over 4 years ago, MCMS