WELCOME BACK REBELS! School doors open at 7:25 AM Tardy bell is 7:45 AM Dismissal is 3:10 PM We Are, Rebel Proud!
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Welcome Back Rebels!
Don't forget...grade 6 only we can't wait to see you!
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Rally in the Rebel House
The School District of Newberry is offering Technology Insurance for your student's device for a $25 fee. Please see the documents below for more information in English and Spanish.
over 3 years ago, MCMS
SDNC English Device Repair and  Fees
Spanish Device Repair and Fees
Welcome Back Rebels! A reminder that online registration is still open for the 2021-2022 school year. All students are required to register and submit 3 proofs of residency. We request that online be your preference for completing registration and paying school fees. If you need your child's Snap Code to register, please contact the front office at 803-364-3634. This was also emailed to all homes. The registration link is https://www.mcmiddle.org/o/mcms and fee link is https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56366. In-person registration will take place on July 28 from 8:00 AM-1:00 PM and Thursday, July 29 from 1:00 PM- 6:00 PM. Medication may be delivered, student ID pictures will be taken as well as school fees can be paid. An updated technology agreement form is required for all students. You may access this at https://www.mcmiddle.org/o/mcms/browse/163051. Please read and print off pages 18 and 19 to turn in at registration. These are the 1:1 laptop agreements and Acceptable Use Policy for the upcoming school year. Both of these documents must be signed before students will be issued a laptop for the 2021-2022 school year. Students must be registered before they can start school on Monday. August 16. We look forward to a Rebel Proud year!
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Mid-Carolina Middle School
Mid-Carolina Middle is operating on a four day week in the summer months. We are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM until 5:00 PM. We are closed for the holiday on July 5th. Parents are also reminded that online registration is open and proofs of residency are required.
over 3 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony 9:15 Link: https://youtu.be/rqp16nuEbBw Parents, please remember you can see your promoted grade 8 student as they walk down the sidewalk after their program this morning. Ending time is tentatively between 10:00-10:15. Please remain at your vehicle to take pictures.
over 3 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony 9:15 Link
MCMS Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony 8:15 Link: https://youtu.be/VpiuQdykRgk Parents, please remember you can see your promoted grade 8 student as they walk down the sidewalk after their program this morning. Ending time is tentatively between 9:00-9:15. Please remain at your vehicle to take pictures.
over 3 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony  8:15 Link
Updated MCMS Grade 8th Awards 9:15 link https://youtu.be/vJx2LSUMamQ
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Grade 8 Awards 9:15 a.m. Program link: https://youtu.be/fv0xxOCobd8
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Grade 8  Awards 9:15 a.m. Program
MCMS Grade 8 Awards 8:15 am Program link: https://youtu.be/FZJfTpI5JJM
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Grade 8 Awards 8:15 a.m. Program
Attention Grade 8 Parents! On Thursday, your child will parade down the sidewalk of the campus after their Promotion Ceremony giving you a chance to see them. Parents are to remain in their vehicles the entire time but can take photos, from a distance, as the students wave by you in the parking lots. The 8:15 ceremony should end between 9:00 and 9:15 and the 9:15 ceremony should end between 10:00 and 10:15.
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Encuesta Comunitaria de ESSER III El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Newberry necesita información sobre el gasto de la asignación de ARP - ESSER III. El SDNC recibió más de $ 15,2 millones para abordar la pérdida de aprendizaje y las necesidades académicas relacionadas con la pandemia de Covid19. Los fondos no se pueden utilizar para bonificaciones. El 11 de marzo de 2021, la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense (ARP) se convirtió en ley. El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos está proporcionando $ 121,9 mil millones adicionales para el Fondo de Ayuda de Emergencia para Escuelas Primarias y Secundarias (Fondo ESSER III). Esta legislación otorgará estas subvenciones a las agencias educativas estatales (SEA) con el propósito de proporcionar a las agencias educativas locales (LEA) fondos de ayuda de emergencia para abordar el impacto que COVID-19 ha tenido y sigue teniendo en las escuelas primarias y secundarias de todo el país. la Nación. Por favor complete la siguiente encuesta: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe68t0vop3zRC4n7gkjzBg00beljT0orT04uS5Pwd1jEcTAEQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, Bucky Ware
Grade 7 Awards 9:15 am Program link https://youtu.be/AJXfJM_D8Pk
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Grade 7 Awards 9:15 am Program
Grade 7 Awards 8:15 am Program link https://youtu.be/0nKnB-9-Z-c
over 3 years ago, MCMS
Grade 7 Awards 8:15 am Program
MCMS Grade 6 Awards 9:15 am Program Link https://youtu.be/e2Aa3F5ttWk
over 3 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Grade 6 Awards 9:15 am Program
MCMS Grade 6 Awards 8:15 am Program link https://youtu.be/XEvMbmk5IQ0
over 3 years ago, MCMS
MCMS Grade 6 Awards 8:15 am Program
ESSER III Community Survey The School District of Newberry County needs input on the spending of the ARP - ESSER III allocation. The SDNC received over $15.2 million to address learning loss and academic needs related to the Covid19 pandemic. Funds cannot be used for bonuses. On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. The US Department of Education is providing an additional $121.9 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). This legislation will award these grants to state educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs) with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the nation. Please complete the following survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei9tClMHrmiD75mx587EV1x2WJzU8P3QljYmghF9bB9aZ2KA/viewform
over 3 years ago, Bucky Ware
MCMS Summer Volleyball information can be found here https://bit.ly/3cbYsPq . If you have questions email Coach Shealy at wshealy@newberry.k12.sc.us .
over 3 years ago, Jared Jones
Computer turn in for virtual students will be Wednesday, June 9 and Thursday, June 10 from 8-3:00. Please remember to bring the charger. 8th grade students only will need to return the laptop cases as well.
over 3 years ago, Stacey Templin
MCMS Football Information for 2021 can be found at https://bit.ly/2Sv7lMY. If you have questions email Coach Meetze or Coach Barber.
almost 4 years ago, Jared Jones