Boys Basketball Tryout Information: Boys basketball tryouts will be November the 1st-3rd from 3:30-4:45. All required paperwork (physical, history, concussion, and parent permission forms) must be uploaded into Planet HS (Big Teams) in order to participate. Please email Coach Teseniar at if you have any questions. Below I have included a link for the required paperwork along with the Planet HS directions. Paperwork: Planet HS (Big Teams) setup:
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
over 2 years ago, Stacey Templin
Hispanic Heritage Month Program
Please be on the lookout for a blue form that was sent home this week about our Veterans Day program on 11/11. If you have someone that you would like to recognize or that would like to come please return the form. The form can be printed from
over 2 years ago, Jared Jones
❄️🎄⛄🎁 Please help to support our Angel Tree Live To Give Project: Want some awesome MC wear for Christmas gifts?! Please visit our online Fancloth Shop before October is over. Order online and customize if you would like! Orders will be shipped directly to your home. Sale ends on Oct. 28th, so don't miss out!"
over 2 years ago, Beverly Wood
Congratulations to our September Students, Teacher, and Support Staff of the Month!
over 2 years ago, Jared Jones
Teacher and Support Staff of the Month
 Students of the Month
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus
over 2 years ago, Stacey Templin
Due to inclement weather, our MCMS football game has been moved to Wednesday (9/28). Start time will be 6pm. GO REBELS!
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
I would like to give a big thank you to all of our sponsors that donated to the MCMS Athletic department and also the MCHS Booster Club. This money allowed us to purchase new volleyball and basketball uniforms. We could not have accomplished this goal without all of your support. We thank you again and as always, GO REBELS!
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
The State Department of Education will be partnering with the Newberry County Library to promote family literacy skills on 11/10/2022 from 11:00am - 1:00pm. More information and the registration link can be found here .
over 2 years ago, Jared Jones
Nightly internet shutoff times affecting only school-issued, student devices. Please refer to the FAQ document for additional information.
over 2 years ago, Bucky Ware
Internet shut off times graphic.
The School District of Newberry County is committed to ensuring the safety of its students, staff, and spectators at athletic events.
over 2 years ago, Bucky Ware
Event Safety Image
Want to pay your school fees online? Use the QR code or click the link below & sign in as a Guest!
over 2 years ago, Beverly Wood
MCMS Families- We look forward to seeing you soon!
over 2 years ago, Beverly Wood
Upcoming Events MCMS
Community and family members, please welcome Dr. Paul Dobyns as the new principal of Mid-Carolina Middle School! There will be a meet the principal night Thursday, July 28 at Mid-Carolina Middle School from 5-6 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Bucky Ware
Principal Dr. Paul Dobyns
MCMS Girls Volleyball Camp-July 19th-21st from 9am - 12am Please contact Coach Mike at or Flyer here
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
MCMS Athletic Info: • Football tryouts will be August 1st-4th 7:30am-9:00am. • Volleyball conditioning will begin August 1st-4th from 3:30-4:30 in the big gym. • Rebelettes will have tryouts August 23rd-26th 3:05-4:15 in the small gym. All participants will need a physical (dated after April 1, 2022), concussion form, parent permission form, and history form completed and uploaded into PlanetHS. Paperwork not uploaded into PlanetHS will not be accepted. Paperwork: PlanetHS Account Setup:
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
MCMS Football tryouts will begin on August 1st. Tryouts will run from 7:30am – 9:00am Monday thru Thursday (August 1st – 4th) . All participants will need a physical (dated after April 1, 2022), concussion form, parent permission form, and history form completed and signed. I have attached a link for these forms. All forms are required to be uploaded into PlanetHS. The directions for how to create a PlanetHS account will be attached. Please email Coach barber at if you have any questions.
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
MCMS Girls Volleyball conditioning will begin August 1st-4th from 3:30-4:30 and August 8th-11th from 3:30-5:00. Tryouts will begin on August 15th at 3:30. All participants will need a physical (dated after April 1, 2022), concussion form, parent permission form, and history form completed and signed. I have attached a link for these forms. All forms are required to be uploaded into PlanetHS. The directions for how to create a PlanetHS account will be attached. Please email Coach Morgan at if you have any questions.
over 2 years ago, David Meetze
MCMS Girls Volleyball Camp July 19th-21st from 9am - Noon Contact Coach Mike at Register at Flyer here
over 2 years ago, Jared Jones